National Service Bureau Gets Sued in Arizona Federal Court

National Service Bureau, who true name is Seattle Service Bureau was recently sued by my office for violating the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act ("FDCPA").  In the federal district court complaint, the Arizona consumer alleges that National Service Bureau repeatedly called her at work, left messages with co-workers, and never identified that he was trying to collect a debt, or that he was working for a collection agency. 

The reason so many Arizona debtors receive phone calls at work from collection agencies is that the agency is trying to harass or embarrass you.  Calls to work scare consumers into believing that if they don't pay the debt immediately, they may end of losing their jobs. AND IT WORKS!

Many times debts which are not owed are paid by scared consumers worried that they may lose their job if the calls continue.

Under the FDCPA, a collection agency that continues to call an Arizona debtor work, when they know that the debtor cannot receive personal calls at work violate the FDPCA. Leaving a message with a co-worker IS ALWAYS a violation of the FDCPA.

The FDCPA provides the Arizona consumer with the right to collect statutory damages of up to $1,000, plus any actual damages suffered. Actual damages includes emotional distress, humiliation and embarrassment.  The FDCPA also makes the debt collection agency, National Service Bureau in this case, pay for your attorney's fees and all the court costs.

If you are being harassed by a debt collection agency, feel free to call attorney Floyd W. Bybee to see if you have a claim.  The call consultation is free with no obligation.